You are 12 months old! I love this age. You ditched crawling all together 4 weeks ago. Walking is definitely your preferred mode of transportation. Now that you are walking, you are more selective of what you put in your mouth. Bugs still rate pretty high on the list. ugh.
Here is what he has been up to:
- Size 3 diapers
- Won't be in size 6-9 month clothes for much longer.
- You still wear some 3-6 mo pants...
- Your great aunt has dubbed you as the "butt-less wonder" ...because you are skinny you crawl out of most pants within minutes of being dressed.
- Weight : 18 lbs (1 percentile)
- Takes two naps a day. These can last 30 mins-3 hrs.
- You have 8 teeth.
- You say, "ubp" {up} "trk" {truck}
- Your hand goes over your eyes, you lower your head and sob when you learn something else you can't touch.
- You love truck books
- You climb up and down the stairs with great speed.
- You love to go visit dad in his office and give a shrill scream of delight when you see the gate accidentally left open. down the stairs you go to pound on daddy's office door.
- You sign please on your knee. weird.
- You had a fun birthday party. For days after your party you pointed to your half eaten cake and would say "trk" and then sign "please"...Well done Anna. He LOVED his cake.
- You are beginning to point out family members in pictures.
- You cry when your daddy leaves for work.
We are grateful for 1 year with you, son. Love you. - Mommy