Friday, November 04, 2011

Vacation with a Twist

2 carry-on bags + 2 back packs +  1 child = family vacation

Few things can be a refreshing as the wonder and excitement of a child. Vacation highlights take a different twist when viewed from the eyes of a 1 year old. Here are six high points thanks to our son, Clark Allyn.

1. Sitting for hours in the airport - a DREAM come true!

2. Having to walk around construction and remodeling projects within the airport - HUGE bonus!

3. Long distances between terminals - who said that's a pain? 

4. Hours of free entertainment - thank you Tractor House

5. No car seats in the shuttle bus - SWEET!

6. Fire alarms in the middle of the night - what a DELIGHTFUL idea! 


...of our delightfully twisted vacation! 

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Operation Re-Love

Our friend Caulder works at Re-Store and told me that an entire household of old but solid furniture had just been donated. I found this $15 office table. The leather insert on the top was damaged.

* SOLD *

My girlfriend Nicole was coming down that week to teach me how to re-do 
furniture. The fun began with painting the base.

 Going for more of a French Country look, Nicole led the charge in popping off the table top and replacing it with plain 1'' x 6'' boards. 
I love her brilliance! I adore that girl!

Well the knobs we bought to replace the old handles didn't fit. 
New holes were drilled. - THANKS SAM!

Almost the finished product...more pictures to come!


....and this was the best part