Sunday, June 08, 2008

The Ohio Wedding!

It's been a while since I've posted. A LOT has happened.
This weekend we had the delight of seeing Rachel French added to our family!!!

Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Baltensperger!

The Baltensperger family!
+ Grandma Fass

Rachel and bridesmaids

Grandma, Jake, and Rachel

Laughing about something...and dad with his classic smile!

Jake! A happy man.

Part of the head table
Emily's shoulder :0) , Kenny Pyle, Anna, Brian and Mariah...
Jake and Rachel
Thanking everyone at the reception...

Allyn, Jake, Kenny and Brent

Allyn & Em
Another happy couple!
Married for just over 1 1/2 years.


Iron sharpeneth iron......Prov. 27:17 said...

Great pictures!! Seth wanted to be at the wedding so very badly, but we had family from Florida come this week-end and he couldn't get away......Congratulations to Jake and Rachel!!
Thanks for sharing the pictures!

Rebecca said...

WOOOOOOWWWWW!!!!! I check this blog for like, a YEAR and no new entries... then Whammo! A book! And it happens the week we loose internet!! I can't believe little Jake is married!!! He looks so handsome, and Rachel so beautiful!! Kenny looks very dashing too!!!
By the way.= I LOVED the card, - it made my day,- I just sat there and laughed.. Justice laughed to, then looked at me like he wasn't sure what he was laughing at!! :)
Love Ya!