The Khang Family live in our apartment complex. Ahyong and I get together ever Monday to study in preparation for the Wednesday Bible Study. She's a true delight to have in my life and challenges me spiritually. CK (husband) was raised in a Christian home, but Ahyong converted from Buddhism to Christianity 5 years ago. They are passionate about their faith. Both of us couples are praying about begining a Small Group Bible study together in the near future.

The Joyce family
After a supper of lasagna, some of us played Chinese Checkers, Jinga or worked on a puzzle.
Allyn and I both love their kids. They are a neat family.

Clayson and I are buddies.
He often comes up to me on Sunday morning for his weekly hug.
Hi Allyn and Emily!
I came across a link to your blog tonight through Lydia's blog. I enjoyed reading through some of your posts and looking at your pictures. It looks like you are doing well and are serving the Lord and reaching out to many people as a couple - much like when you both were single, just doubly effective now...or something like that. :-)
May God richly bless you!
Yeah!!! Back online!! Great pics... thanks so much for coming down Emily! We can't wait to come see ya sometime! Its amazing- in the pictures, it looks like you have been married forever...just looks natural! - love ya- rebecca
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