Monday, July 31, 2006



- Enjoyed a wedding shower hosted by Allyn and Eric's aunts for Liz and I.
- Continued with our pre-marital counseling - it's SUCH a highlight.
- We picked out wedding invitations.
- Last CEF meeting is Tuesday night (for Emily) (for now;-)!
- It is hot on top of roofs in July.
- Went to the fair and rodeo in Manhattan - saw the gospel handpainting booth and cheered for a friend who was riding bulls.
- Allyn had a seminar in Chicago...his flight back was canceled but he was fortunante enough to get a flight to Lincoln.
- Grandma B went into the nursing home in Nebraska City.
- Anna B has been teaching a ton of clubs and painting hands at fairs.
- We're excited that our count is down to 9 weeks and 5 days until the wedding!

Allyn & Emily

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