Thursday, August 31, 2006

August...just barely:-)

Well, We are trying to keep up with our monthly blog here are some of the things that have been keeping us busy this month:

Emily finished her job with CEF of Nebraska.
Emily's grandma passed away, Aunt Marianne came back from Chicago for the funeral.
Jacob's girlfriend Rachel came to visit from Cincinnati for 4 days.
Eric and Liz were married on the 19th...they moved to Chicago and we will see them this weekend when we are there for another wedding - Emily's cousin Sarah.
Our good friends from Budapest, Brad and Kari Mullet came for the wedding and stayed for several days.
Baltenspergers caught 500 chickens after a semi tipped and butchered them within 24 hours.
Sewed bridesmaid dresses with Nicole, Melanie, Anna and Kristin.
Emily's good friend Melissa had her baby on Thursday - Elsie Joy
We've had lots of big rains here in Manhattan which means tons of work at the fort.
We are still doing pre-marital counseling with Ken and loving it!

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