Thursday, September 02, 2010

Small Group

I love our small group....babies...

.....Clark (8 mo)
....Mr. Mason (2 wks) we prayed and prayed for you. Thank you Jesus!
....Miss Claira (7 mo) and mommy come to small group while daddy serves in Iraq.
....Miss Dahlia (12 mo) and mommy are moving. * tear

This picture sadly does not include Miss Goss (10 mo) and Miss Izzy (2 mo)

:: priceless::

:: awe ::

:: beautiful ::

There is a time for sorrow and now we are in a season of rejoicing.

Last night, Caitlyn was beyond excited when she saw Amy carrying "the bag."
It's what the hospital gives you.
We've all envisioned and dreamed of what it would be like when
Chris and Amy would get to adopt.
This was one of those unexpected "Mason's a reality" moments.
As emotionally painful as those moments are when sitting in pain, they are emotionally exhilarating when it is time to rejoice.

Amy is finally a mom.

Thank you, Jesus.

1 comment:

Charity U said...

Hooray! Congratulations, Amy.