Friday, March 11, 2011

Text Messages from Mr. Mom

Last week Allyn worked from home with Clark while I taught in the schools for the Pregnancy Testing Center.

At 6:45 Monday morning, I had to walk out the door to teach.

Clark had been up sick 4 hrs that night. Ugh.

Allyn played Mr. Mom all day Monday. Hardcore.

      7:30 text msg "C just puked all over both of us"

      9:45 text msg "just lying on his back in the living room"

      9:56 text msg "...nasty diaper, again"

      10:55 text msg "...and now he's pooped in the bathtub"

      11:15 text msg "threw up on the living room carpet."

      11:17 text msg "PUKE, POOP, PUKE, POOP"

      11:19 text msg "C has to be cleaned out! wont drink anything.

       11:30 text msg "What's the buldozer say clark? "mama"
                                What's the lion say? "maamma" :(

Even after being Mr. Mom to a puking 1 year old for several days in a row, 
Allyn hasn't changed his mind.

He'd choose being puked on - multiple times vs standing in front of 9th graders teaching Sex Ed.

I got the best of both worlds, being puked on at night and teaching classes by day.

As strange as it may sound - it was actually a GREAT week for both of us!

You know the weeks, when you look back and only have two words....

"Thanks God"


Anna Curran said...

LOL!!! Still laughing!

Liz Brown said...

Awww. It's funny but kinda not funny ... :)